The Japan Education Information Organization “contributes to the development of Japan’s education, academic research, culture and industry by improving the use of information communication technology for learners and the utilization of education, distance learning, etc.” It was established for the purpose.

In particular, the music portal site “useful music information-vocational school”, which is the result of the music business (independent music education and other fields) that has been operated and managed since FY2016, is based on information and communication technology promoted by the Ministry of Education, Culture, Sports, Science and Technology. It meets the requirements for distance education used and operates and manages.

Along with the progress of globalization and the social structure that is rapidly and greatly changing due to technological reforms such as artificial intelligence technology AI, we will constantly learn independently to create new value. It is necessary to develop the ability to think. To this end, distance learning reforms are in progress that integrally reform independence, independence, and ability to transmit and receive information.

The “Hello-job Life / Health Guidance Guide” is a “learning database” that accumulates worries, problems, and mentality data in compulsory education processes and social life, and is used for independent learning and retrospective review Articles and videos) ”, and“ community functions ”with the aim of self-expression and connection with people.

In the technology field, as blockchain technology, which is expected to be applied in a wide range of fields, is moving toward the fusion of finance and technology (FinTech), the provision of information on the “CoinView Crypto Asset Portal Site” will provide crypto assets. It is expected to play a major role in the penetration and spread of Since the start of the site operation in 2018, it has been used by many people who are highly interested and highly motivated to grow, and further increases are expected in the future.

As an administrator of the Japan Educational Information Organization, we will manage personal information safely and operate a portal site to further enhance functions. We ask for your continued understanding and support.




「hello-job 生活・保健指導ガイド」では、義務教育過程や社会生活において抱える悩みや問題、精神性データを蓄積し、主体的な学び、自律に向けての振り返りに活用する「学びのデータベース(記事・動画)」、自己表現や人とのつながりを趣旨とする「コミュニティ機能」を有しています。

テクノロジーの分野におきましては、幅広い分野への応用が期待されているブロックチェーン技術により、金融とテクノロジーの融合(FinTech)の動きが進展するなか、「CoinView 暗号資産ポータルサイト」の情報提供により、暗号資産の浸透・普及へ向け大きな役割を果たすことが期待されています。すでに2018年にサイト運営を開始して以降、関心が強く成長意欲が高い数多くの方にご活用いただいており、今後さらなる増加が見込まれています。
